If you’ve landed here, chances are you have natural hair or you are interested in going natural. We are happy that you stumbled across our page. Let us tell you who we are.
Our name is Park Avenue CURLS, we are a resource for women with natural hair. Some of the resources provided are, virtual consultations, salon services, product training, hairstyles that complement curly hair, and most importantly education so that you have the correct information on keeping your hair healthy during your journey.
Our Salon ,
Our address is 15203 Knoll Trail Drive, Suite 407, Addison Texas 75428, Dallas, Texas. The salon offers a private service room that allows clients the comfort to express their hair concerns with a texture educator and stylists one to one. The environment is upscale, secure, and professional. All services are booked online through our website at the convenience of the client to reserve the time needed. We offer retail for your D.I.Y needs. https://parkavenuecurls.com
Product Training
Our natural hair educators provide product education and train our clients on how to use products that are ideal for their hair type. We work with a range of products that supply moisture and hydration to the natural hair.
We guide our clients to wear styles that are fitting for the hair type and characteristics. We offer twist-ins, coil sets, wash-n-go’s, silk press, and protective styles. Our premium services consist of color and cuts with healthy hair treatments that helps protects the hair shaft from styling tools and products.
If you are in the DFW area be sure to reserve a healthy hair consultation with our stylist. If you are unable to visit in person and would like a virtual consultation please send a message to [email protected] titled “Requesting Virtual Consult” and a representative will assist you in scheduling.
We are so happy to have you apart of our home!